Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Some Negative Facts About Vancouver 2010 Olympics

Some Negative facts about Olympics 2010:

- New laws were passed which made begging for money and sleeping outdoors criminal acts in the city.
- They cut down tens of thousands of trees in order to build Olympic facilities and infrastructure.
- Security budget was ballooned to $1billion which was five times more than what was originally estimated.
- Many activists and Lower Mainland politicians opposed Olympic Games in Vancouver.
-Protesters smashed windows of several RBC Bank branches and The Bay store because those were Olympic sponsors.
- Olympic luger Nodar Kumaritashivili dies during practice on the day of opening ceremony.
-The total costs exceeded $6 billion !! ......................

In my opinion, this money could have used for building more schools and improving our medical system. I think games left us with social and environmental destruction. What do you guys think? I would like to hear from you.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Grinch or Realist?

I do agree with the positive things my colleague, Ling, has said in the previous post. The city of Vancouver has gained a lot including some worthwhile infrastructure but at what cost? What will it cost to me, the average tax payer?

The provincial government did have to bail out the developer who could no longer cover the cost of constructing the athletes village and what about the rising costs of security over the total weeks of the olympics? “Hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games cost Vancouver only slightly less than it takes to run the city itself for an entire year”. (http://blog.taragana.com/business/2010/04/15/report-hosting-games-leaves-vancouver-with-bill-of-more-than-500-million-50862/)

According to a report from the General Manager of Financial Services and General Manager of Olympic Operations, the estimated cost to the city of Vancouver is over 500 million. (http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/1858110/cityvancouverolympicexpenses-156k?da=y)

Not to mention all the funding that was cut from the arts, health care and education. The statement implied is 'we'll put the citizens needs on hold while we welcome the world for a few weeks'.

What do you guys think? Am I focusing too much on the now and looking too negatively on the subject? Maybe our city will end up flourishing in the years to come from direct result of the games. Or, will we be stuck in deficit for decades like Montreal?

I want to know, how do you guys feel? Please take a second to answer my short survey to the right.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Advantages of Holding the Game

There is no doubt that a huge investment has been made for the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Game. The question is whether the investment is worthwhile or what the benefits people of Vancouver can receive.

As a matter of fact, we have already received some benefits from the game. People in Vancouver are now enjoying the convenience of transportation improvement such as the skytrain from Vancouver to Richmond and to YVR and the Sea-to Sky highway from West Vancouver to Whisler. Most importantly the facilities will be used for generation to come.

The construction of the transportation system brought us further benefit - many jobs opportunities.

We shall not forget that during the winter Olympic people from different parts of world came to Vancouver to participate or simply watch the game. Money poured into the city via tickets, transportation, lodging and food. Not to mention the millions and billions dollars earned for advertisement and mass communication of TV at Olympic venure.

In addition to the economic benefit, there are social benefit as well. We already witness the enthusiastic and national pride Canadian have demonstrated during the game. The Olympic spirit will encourage more people to participate in the future. Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic left a legacy which has a far reaching impact in the prosperity of the city.
